Thursday, July 21, 2011

Upcoming schedule and important dates and times!

We have a busy, busy time coming up before school starts, so the follow is intended to help you set your schedules to avoid conflicts. We are sympathetic to travel issues, timing, and life so please communicate with Coach Kieser or Coach McHenry if problems or conflicts arise. We have intentionally not turned the screws on the team during the summer with the expectation that when the official season begins the girls can make their full dedication to the team. Remember staring August 8th practice attendance is mandatory, OHSAA physicals must be turned in, and our attendance policy kicks in.

Most importantly (other than physicals) is the MANDATORY PARENT MEETING. This is a meeting where policies will be addressed, and parents can meet with coaches. Coach McHenry will be at this meeting since I’ll be at camp with the team.
This meeting with the AD is for all parents of ALL fall sports athletes (even if parents are at camp) at 7pm in the gym on Thursday, August 28th.
If you cannot attend this meeting there is a follow-up date on Monday, August 1 in the gym at 7pm.

Starting July 24th 26 girls will be at team camp until the 29th. During that week Coach McHenry will hold conditioning at the following times and locations for the girls NOT going to camp.
Monday, July 25 – 6-7:30 pm at Mastick – regular mileage run plus abs, push-ups, and 4 x 20 lefts.
Wednesday, July 27 – 6-7:30 pm at Cedar Point road – hill repeats.
(meet for this run on Cedar Pt road at parking lot just west of the river and Valley Parkway).
Friday, July 29 – 6-7:30 pm at Mastick – longer run than Monday by mile or 2.

Week of August 1st – the workouts for this week or highly encouraged, but will not fall under our attendance policy. I will be at the second week of NEO camp, but the whole team should be available to meet Coach McHenry. After a big week of camp this week should be lower key (but not off).

Monday, August 1st – 6-7:30 pm Mastick – regular mileage run.’
Wednesday, August 3rd – 6-7:30 pm Mastick – fartlek.
Thursday or Friday captains can organize their own run.

Official practices before school starts…OHSAA physicals MUST be in our hands!
Monday, August 8th – SJA 9-11am
Tuesday, August 9th – Memorial field 9-10:45am
Wednesday, August 10th – mastick 9-10:45am
Thursday, August 11th – SJA – 9-11am
Friday, August 12th – Mastick – 9-11am – time trial #2

Sat and Sun – no practices scheduled

Monday, August 15th – long run at towpath, station road bridge parking lot Brecksville…if this is better to be done on Saturday we can trade a Saturday practice for Monday. I’ll need feedback!
Tuesday, August 16th – SJA – 9-11am
Wednesday, August 17th – Westlake Rec – 9-10:45 am
Thursday, August 18th – SJA – 3:30-5:15 – cross training and weight room
Friday, August 19th – SJA – 3:30-5:00 – pre-meet day
Saturday, August 20th – Moose is Loose team relay at Malone University. Bus leaves SJA at 7:30. Expected return to SJA on bus by 1pm

Sunday – nothing planned

Monday, August 22nd – first day of school…practice time and location TBD….

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The next few weeks...

Below is the schedule of things that are happening in the next few weeks. These are very important so please pay attention.

Most importantly athletes MUST have a current OHSAA physical in order to begin official practice on August 8th. Get those done soon, please!

Week of July 19, 2011 - SJA Youth CC camp for 4th-8th graders. We take registrants on the first day at the school. Registration information can be found toward the bottom of the school's home page at

Current SJA CC team members who are available should be at SJA by 8:45 on Monday and by 9am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You get service hour credit for this!

There is no practice scheduled for next Friday by the coaches but there may be a captain's practice - stayed tuned to them.

Week of July 26, 2011 -
26 runners will be at the NEO CC Camp for the week beginning on the 25th. They are gone until Friday. Coach McHenry will be holding practice for the athletes staying home at locations and times to be determined both this week and the following week of August 1st.

The first official practice is at SJA on Monday, August 8th from 9-11am. This practice is mandatory and with it begins the new attendance policy that was sent home to all the athletes this summer.