Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's Time to get things cranking

June is gone, you've been out of classes for almost a month, and track is long in the rear view mirror.

Ladies, championships and PR's are earned in the summer. If you want to get better you'll want to start up your running now. There is a large handful of you that are skipping practices for no reason, yet last fall you promised yourselves and the coaches that you'll do more for next year. Well, next year is here. Why are you sleeping in? Why are you being lazy? Practices are not intense - they are simply meant to get us together as a team to get in shape together.

For you upperclass ladies - life will not be as nice and "cushy" as it was your freshman year. Think long and hard about your commitment to this program.

To those of you who have been showing up, keep up the great work and keep bugging your friends/teammates to get on the ball!

To Bride and Victoria...we wish a speedy recovery to both of you!!!! Get healthy soon!!!

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