Monday, May 18, 2020

Virtual Meet is Concluded

After 3 weeks of a 2k time trial virtual meet, the results are in!

37 out of 45 athletes completed the time trial at Mastick.  If an athlete wasn't able to complete it for some reason, then they were allowed to recruit friends and family members.  In the end we  had many sisters, moms, aunts, and alums jump in to run....

When all was said and done, the winning team came from Saturn (all the teams were named for the planets). 

Congratulations to the winning team members and to the whole team for working hard during this irregular track season to make sure we are on a proper course for our upcoming fall cross country season.

Keep running until the end of May, then take some "active rest" for a week or two.  We will know our summer training schedule soon.

Go Jags!

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