Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week of Monday, Aug 17

Monday - SJA 3:00-5:00 - regular mileage day
Tuesday - Mastick - 3:30-5:30 - cut down run (same as 4 weeks ago)
Wednesday - SJA 3:00-5:00 - cross train day (will be Thursdays starting next week)
Thursday - Mastick 3:30-5:30 - regular mileage day. MANDATORY PARENT MEETING AT SJA THURSDAY NIGHT AT 7:00 FOR ALL FALL SPORTS.
Friday - Hinckley Lake trail run - 3:45-5:30
Sat and Sunday - new runners take one day off and put in 40-50 miles the other day. 3rd and 4th year runners take one day very short (25 min) and get regular mileage (4-7 miles) the other.

*note - students not in school Friday, so we need to have travel organized this day. Ride sharing? Directions: south on I-71 to Rt 303 exit. Left/East on Rt 303 for 4-5 miles. Turn Right/South on Rt 606 (at bottom of huge hill) for about 2 miles. Pass Bellus Road and park at trail head on the left side of the road. There is a scenic and hilly trail from here that goes out 4.5 miles. This will be our long run/second workout for the week.

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