Friday, July 5, 2013

For week of July 8th! a side note....
If you are not receiving emails, please email me at so I can add you to the list.
If you are receiving duplicates...
1.  It could be because you have two daughters on the team
2.  It could be because you are receiving an email on behalf of your daughter who is on a separate list than my parent email list.  For frosh, they will get new emails the first week of school through SJA - at that point I'll stop using your email on their behalf.
3.  I am stupid could also be a reason.

Hi all,

This is early but its your schedule for the week of July 8th.  It is essentially the same as last week.

Monday July 8, 8-9:30am at South Mastick
Wednesday July 10, 8-10:00am at SJA
Friday July 12, 8-9:30am at South Mastick

We have had 48 girls out of the 62 that have signed up attend at least one conditioning day already in the first 2 weeks.  A few of you have also contacted me letting me know your circumstance.  If you have not come yet, please attend or email me letting me know your schedule.  It is very exciting to see so many people interested!!

Reminders of things to do:
1.  Get your OHSAA physical scheduled and done BEFORE August 5th (first practice).  Print the form from this link. 
6 pages total...have all signatures ready and done!

2.  Run on your own!
Effort should be 6 out of 10 for most days, 7 or 8 if you're feeling good.
Distance should be the same or a mile less than when you meet with the team.
You can use to help measure your runs from your house.

3.  Have good reliable running shoes on your feet.

4.  You'll need a watch (not phone) next week.  Get a $10 type at Kmart, Wal-mart, etc...and remember to bring it.

5.  Sign up for our team account on - after you create an account search for our "team" (SJA distance crew) and apply to be accepted.

6.  Do the survey for the team if you haven't already.  See this link

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